Prelude Music
Selections from Bach
Seating of the Family
Sleepers Awake - Bach, BWV 140
Bach's Cello Suite No. 1 in G major, BWV 1007
[6.48] Minister:
All Rise
Bride’s Processional
Bach's Cantata No. 156, "Ich steh mit einem Fuss im Grabe," BWV 156
The Call to Worship
[7:50] Dearly beloved // we are gathered together here / in the sight of God // and in the face of this company // to join together this man and this woman / in Holy Matrimony // which is an honorable estate / instituted of God, signifying unto us // the mystical union that is between Christ / and His Church // which holy estate Christ adorned / and beautified // with His presence and first miracle / that He performed in Cana of Galilee // and is commended of Saint Paul / to be honorable among all men // and therefore is not by any to be entered into // unadvisedly or lightly // but reverently, discreetly, advisedly, / soberly and in the fear of God // Into this holy estate these two persons / present come now to be joined // If any person can show just cause / why they may not be lawfully joined together // let it be said now, or hereafter never speak / of it again //
[8:53] You may be seated.
Questions of Intent
[9:02] Eric, Allison // I require and charge you both // as you will answer before God / the searcher of all hearts // that if either of you know any reason why you / may not be lawfully joined together in matrimony // you do now confess it // For be well assured // that if any persons are joined together otherwise // than as God’s Word allows // their marriage is not blessed of God / nor is it lawful in His sight //
MINISTER (to the man)
[9:57] I will.
MINISTER (to the woman)
[10:25] I will.
Presentation of the Bride
[10:27] Who gives this woman to be married?
[10:29] Her mother and I.
Charge to the Bride and Groom
[11:25] We are now at the most sacred / part of this ceremony // where you two are going to make promises / to each other // A lot of people, I’m convinced, forget all / about the promises they made on this day // Your hearts and minds / must surely be attentive to the things you say // or else your godly goals / or most sacred aspirations as a couple // will not come to fruition. // This is not a convenient part of the ceremony // to simply allow us to get through / and get to the end // these are things that will be scripted / on your hearts // that will be lived out on a daily basis // being challenged // because of sin // but smelling the sweet scent of victory / always through Christ Jesus // that His will may prevail. // Guard the promises / that you keep to one another // today // and that you hold as your covenant // for your union //
[12:45] Would you face one another and join hands
Exchange of Vows and Rings
[12:54] Eric, would you repeat after me:
Allison, with all my heart // I pledge to you // my obedience to Christ Jesus my Lord // so that I might love you // lead you // and serve God with you // I promise to walk in His wisdom // to embrace His correction // and to guide you tenderly // for Christ alone // will be the power of our union // and the glory of our love // whether in trial or triumph // in abundance or in poverty // in sickness or in health // I will keep my covenant with you // with the help of the Lord // Amen.
[13:59] Allison would you repeat after me:
Eric, with all my heart // I too promise to you // my obedience to Christ Jesus my Lord // so that I might cherish your calling // as my husband // and serve Christ Jesus // in our marriage // and in His ministry // for Christ alone // will be strength of our covenant // and our lasting hope // whether in trial or triumph // in abundance or in poverty // in sickness or in health // I will keep my covenant with you // with the help of the Lord // Amen.
Ring Ceremony
[14:58] May I have the rings please.
[15:12] I hold in my hand two very precious pieces of metal // but they pale in significance compared to the love that God has given to you for each other // Long after the glimmer of this metal is gone // and some day as our Bible teaches us // all of this will go away in a fervent heat // In the annals of God’s heart throughout all history // your marriage // will be in your memory // and it will be // forever etched in the fabric of what God has done to glorify Himself // That’s a precious gift // You’re set aside for a very sacred purpose here// as Mr. and Mrs. Pyle // You’re joined together // These rings indicate to the rest of the world that God has taken you off the market // You belong to each other // for His say so, and that’s what makes you perfect for him // and him perfect for you// It’s because of the will of the Lord // Not personalities or any of these other things. // Your shining hope in your great covenant is always sealed with the Lord’s approval. Let these rings stand for that.
[16.52] Eric, would you take the ring // and place it on her finger // and repeat after me.
[17.02] This ring I give to you // in token and in pledge // of our constant faith // and abiding love // in Christ Jesus // our Lord.
[17.25] …
This ring I give to you // in token and in pledge // of our constant faith // and abiding love // in Christ Jesus, our Lord.
[17.46] At this point we might say // that you are officially married // we only have // a pronouncement left to go // But I get the special privilege to be the first to give you // marital advice as a couple // Now that you are married // we have a special challenge // It’s no mystery, or it shouldn’t be to anybody, why Ephesians 6 is immediately following the section on the family. It’s one of the places where spiritual warfare can be most devastating // to a Christian. The most efficient and effective form of warfare // in the history of the world // is for an opponent to get his enemies // to shoot one another // you see that’s the goal of sin // and Satan’s wily scheme // to get the church // and all of the ministries and institutions and entities beneath it // to destroy themselves // by not pursuing the will of God. This is more than just roles of husbands and roles of a wives // The power of Ephesians 5 really occurs in verse 18, where the apostle advises all who call Christ their own // to be filled with the Spirit // that is resting wholly on the power of God // and His counsel in your life. The challenge will be to be selfish at times. And, Eric, as one who will be the leader of the household, to consider your will as absolute, rather than consider yourself a steward of God’s daughter’s heart. That’s a high calling which will require deep prayer and deep commitment. You will often // as most of us husbands do // find yourself in the humble place // of having to apologize // when you do, embrace it! // do not fear humility // because in the day you do // it will destroy your relationship // and it will discredit your witness // stay far away from pride // let your leadership be an easy leadership for her to follow // Embrace the wisdom too that God has given to her for you. [20:34] Allison, likewise // the challenge will be to trump Eric at times // but be wise // remember that the minimum standard by which you must treat him // is as a brother in Christ // which is an eternal relationship // the relationship that you’re setting forth today // because of human lifespan // may only last another 50 or 60 years // should the Lord show grace awhile // so let the eternal relationship of Eric being a brother in Christ // counsel the relationship you have with husband as husband // and so that will be the minimum standard for your love for another // You will have differences of opinion at times // If both of you were the same // one of you would be unnecessary. For this reason, God gives grace and humility and counsel // because He is the expert at putting things together and making them last // that simply should not fit as He places us in Christ who are totally unworthy // that gives us all the blessings // through a wonderful unity with our sweet husband // that is the church’s husband // Christ Jesus // so the Lord IS able! // let these words and these thoughts guide and keep you // and shepherd you daily // and tide you through // when the days are difficult // and lead you to apologize when you’re sure you’re right // for the sake of the peace and purity of the church of Jesus Christ // as it manifests itself in your home // May God bless you // and may all our advice to you always be prayerful and thoughtful and never selfish even from us. May God be glorified in your lives.
Prayer & Benediction
[22.45] Let us Pray// Heavenly Father, we thank you so much for this excellent privilege // that you have given us as human beings to mimic the relationship// that is between Christ Jesus and His church// We are blessed in this opportunity and yet we are extremely needy// Help us never to think of ourselves as self-sufficient in marriage // and help this young couple that you will now craft in the sacred art / of experiencing sanctification at close range // Help them see that their nearness to one another is a wonderful opportunity to bless. That you have put them at close range of each other's good intentions and sacred hearts and thoughts. May they be greedy in prayer for one another. May the service that you offer to the church through their skills and their training be blessed. Guide them and keep them wherever they go. Protect them from harm and from sin both internally and externally. Glorify yourself we pray, great God, through the salvation of your Son / and the quickening and strengthening of Your Spirit // All these things we ask from You, Our Father, who we know is eager to bless us in this manner. So bless Allison and Eric all the days of their lives. Amen.
Eric and Allison would like to thank you all for being a part of this very special day. And in just a moment we will have you to depart and journ over to the reception. And they will be with you momentarily.
Mr. Pyle, would you like to kiss, Mrs. Pyle?
Introduction and Pronouncement
May I present to you, Mr. Eric and Mrs. Allison Pyle.
By the power vested in me by the Church of Jesus Christ and by the State of OKLAHOMA, I pronounce them now, husband and wife. All rise.